Neuroscience Early Stage Scientist Training Program (NESSTP) Summer 2021 Metcalf Intern
The long-term goal of the Neuroscience Early Stage Scientist Training Program (NESSTP) is to diversify the Neuroscience research workforce. The NESSTP provides exposure to research and training experiences in Neuroscience for undergraduate students from under-represented groups; career and professional development opportunities for underrepresented undergraduate, graduate, and postdoctoral fellows engaged in Neuroscience; and cross-level mentoring at each training stage.
NESSTP Metcalf Neuroscience Internship
This internship supports independent research during the summer quarter for UChicago undergraduate students with an interest in Neuroscience research. No research experience is required. Students can choose to work in a laboratory that they have identified. Alternatively, we will work with those accepted into the internship to identify a suitable laboratory. Interns are expected to work full-time in a Neuroscience laboratory on campus, toward completion of their proposed project and participate in weekly meetings.
The 10-week program occurs during the summer quarter and students may not register for any courses during this time. A $5,000 stipend is awarded to accepted applicants.
- First and second-year students are highly encouraged to apply.
- We hope that this program will be an in-person laboratory experience. If circumstances do not allow that this summer, we will make every effort to set up remote research experiences for participants.
In order to apply, please:
- Submit a resume
- Complete the enclosed application and attach it as "Other Documents"
- Request a letter of recommendation (see applications for more details). Recommendations must be submitted to